King tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers
King tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers

king tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers

The first world war enhanced White's desire to make American made instruments using the supplier Cleveland musical Instrument Company. Reynolds, and started offering woodwinds in 1908, importing saxophones from Evette & Schaeffer (Buffet) marketed as student friendly pricing compared to American made horns. The article goes as far as to say, "Every professional trombonist in Cleveland bought one." Henderson White chose the brand King as a symbol of superiority and leadership in 1893. came into being." with the first King trombone which featured different model bells, bores, and mouthpipe than any horn before it, later developing other brass instruments. After long and painstaking effort the first of the famous line of King band instruments.

king tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers king tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers

Frequently Thomas King went from the theatre to White's shop to the the model trombone in its various stages of development. Described in the 1943 King 50 Years of Achievement in the Band Instrument Industry, "For many months the two men collaborated, pooling their experience as artist and mechanic. He often hung around the theater acquainting himself with the musicians and looking for repair work. White started out working for McMilin's Music Store. White Company was founded 1893 in Cleveland, Ohio by Henderson White, an engraver and instrument repairman.

King tempo 600 trumpet serial numbers